Thursday, December 8, 2011

Letting our Kids grow up!

A friend just sent me the link below to a blog that was an excellent piece on letting our kids grow up! It was perfect timing because I had just had an experience on Saturday that fits with the article. I had taken all three of my kids to the Library and then to my middle daughter's gymnastics class. When we got to the car my oldest daughter who is 7 realized she left her book in the gymnastics's building (it is in a strip mall that includes several businesses) . I was parked in the first parking spot of a row just down about 100 feet from the place, so I told her to go back and get it while I got her little sisters buckled in. As she was walking back she over heard two people comment on "who would let their little kid walk alone!" It was crazy! We are really damaging our children by not letting them live!


  1. I think we are so afraid for our children's safety since we are bombarded with media coverage about things that can happen. I firmly believe these dangers have always existed but due to media coverage we are more aware of it. I am wrestling with finding balance in letting my older boys be more responsible and independent such as returning a redbox movie alone. I know they can do it and would be fine but I must keep my fear in check.

  2. Wow this is so true in many ways, our society today is so hell bent on protecting our kids from anything and everything to the point of retarding our children's growth and independence. If we keep our children on such short leashes then when they are adults how are they going to navigate into the world!?! My two older son's are now 21 and 17 and when they were 13 I started letting them ride the public transit with each other or a friend, never alone until I was confident they where mature and responsible enough to do it. I was riding buses at a young age alone so why not my children? In this day and age our kids have cell phones to keep in contact with us if they need us so what is the harm in encouraging some independence. Isn't it our job as parents to guide our children to being self sufficient? Each child is different and can do things at different ages but we need to allow them to learn how to spread their wings so when they are adults they can fly from the nest and fend for themselves with little guidance from us. My oldest son has been on his own since 2 months before his 18th birthday, he supports himself, figures out how to solve issues that pop up, and he is very independent. He still calls me for advice but he usually already knows the answer he just is looking for confirmation that he is on the right track. If we do not allow our kids to do things on their own and they become adults who have no clue about how to navigate in the world we are the ones to blame, we must not retard our children growth!
